When I talk about speed training drills, I am referring to you practicing a set of technical movements or skills related to sprinting until they becomes second nature. For me, “drills” means to practice or rehearse.
These sprinting skills are the broken down movements of the whole sprint cycle and as the saying goes “practice makes permanent” – therefore what ever you practice must also be technically correct.
So, to be clear, this article is not about the building of the sprinting engine (conditioning workout) with which you will sprint. It is all about how the engine looks. Once you have a well designed engine, it will also add to the power of that engine. Other pages on this site will deal with engine building part of the equation.
The following are two form or technical speed training drills and a drill designed to improve quickness and agility. They have all proved themselves worthy over a long period of time...
The drill has two purpose first it functions as a stabilizing drill for the hip and core regions. These speed training drills mimics the tall running position that you would like to see in the maximum speed phase in sprinting. And secondly, help the athlete feel the high knee position required for good sprinting.
This speed training drill helps the athlete to practice the recovery and front mechanics phase of the sprint cycle.
Technical points to consider are:
This drill is designed to bring together all the elements of quickness and agility in one drill and will add to the tool box of some of the speed training drills and routines else where on this site.
What you should have now is a group of hurdles set out in a “T” shape.
The Drill
This constitutes one repetition. You should repeat this drill again but going forward and to the right. A total of 12 repetitions can be done in 2 sets of 6 repetitions.
Technical points to consider are:
Try them out and enjoy...
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